PEMAVOR Free Tools Explained

Marketing budgets are falling to their lowest levels in recent history; from %11 to %6.4 as a percentage of company revenue.

Gartner Annual CMO Spend Survey

In the aftermath of a global pandemic, marketing budgets got their share of uncertainty as well. Increasing costs and subscription fees for simple marketing tools made things harder for many of marketeers. According to Gartner’s Annual CMOs Spend Survey, marketing budgets as a percentage of company revenue fell from %11 to %6.4. This relapse seems temporary, but still, marketeers now need to do a lot with less budget, compared to previous years.

As a performance marketing software company, we always share our expertise to fulfill your needs, so we often provide you with free tools for PPC and SEO; the rising stars of digital marketing. In this article, we’re going to explain PEMAVOR Free Tools that help you automate and optimize your digital marketing operations. The message is clear, no need for fees/subscriptions for many marketing tasks.

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    Autocomplete Keyword Tool

    PPC and SEO strategies generally rely on users’ search intent. When it comes to researching search intent, the significance of Google Autosuggest/Autocomplete is beyond any doubt as it clearly shows what users are looking for. Yet, manually scraping Autocomplete results for every search query is time-consuming and not a smart approach today.

    With Autocomplete Keyword Tool, get signal queries of your product pages or simply find keyword ideas in bulk for your PPC and SEO efforts

    autocomplete keyword tool

    Signal words for your brand

    Say you’re a quite big company focused on clothing. There is no doubt your potential customers may search your products like “Your brand name + summer jacket” or “Your brand name + jacket 12 months.” Looking manually for such signal queries may even tilt your employees, an automated way seems much practical.

    Long tail keywords

    Concentrating on long tail queries is a traditional SEO and PPC strategy. But their volumes are comparably lower than parent keywords. The best approach is to scrape them from Google Autocomplete as it shows actual search queries. With Autocomplete Keyword Tool, feel free to find long tail keyword opportunities.

    Topical authority

    Developing a SEO strategy based on topical authority is among the latest trends. But, such an approach needs an extensive and meticulous research, especially for h1 and h2 keywords. With Autocomplete Keyword Tool, you can easily find keyword groups with similar semantics to use them for your topical authority strategies.

    Keyword Grouping Tool

    In PPC efforts, keyword lists need to be organized into effective keyword groups. By using the right keyword groups in your PPC campaigns, you’re likely to have better Quality Score and Ads performance. For SEO, keyword grouping can be vital to create high topical authority semantic and holistic hub pages, blog posts, etc. After all, Google loves holistic and semantic content.

    With Keyword Grouping Tool, convert your keyword lists into effective keyword groups to boost the performance of your PPC and SEO projects.

    keyword grouping tool

    Efficient keyword clusters for PPC

    When creating campaigns in Google Ads, you need to enter keywords with relevancy and search intent to get the best results and increase your Quality Score for further efforts. With our Keyword Grouping Tool, instead of manually grouping keyword lists by search intent or relevancy, you’ll get cluster groups (also see our solution on keyword clustering and grouping). Eventually, this practical way of grouping keywords will lead to high CTR and Quality Scores.

    Semantic & Holistic Content for SEO

    With machine learning and NLP (Natural Language Processing) updates in search, the scope of SEO has drastically changed. Now, websites can be crawled by their semantic context, topical authority, and holistic structure to present the best user experience. Grouping keywords into clusters and then strategically using them in hub or blog pages will eventually result in better rankings in organic traffic.

    Keyword N-Gram Analyzer

    Finding negative keywords for PPC campaigns and keyword topics for both SEO and PPC is now quite practical with Keyword N-gram tool. “N” refers to the number of words, that is, the sequence length. Upon pasting your data, you’ll get the results in seconds to analyze either on site or download as Excel file for deeper analysis.

    With Keyword N-gram Analyzer, find negative keywords for PPC and new topics for both SEO and PPC. Also, feel free to analyze your competitor’s n-grams on Sitemap URLs, n-grams on website titles, and n-grams for ad copy titles.

    keyword ngram analyzer

    Keyword topics for PPC & SEO

    Available keyword data in your PPC accounts is a good source of SEO keywords as you can get conversion rate numbers and search impressions. Low competition and great conversion are essential for SEO.

    Negative keywords in PPC

    In PPC, negative keywords are often a huge problem as they directly affect your budget’s efficiency and campaign’s performance. By analyzing bad performing N-grams and adding them as negative keywords is likely to boost your marketing efforts.

    SEO Competitor Analysis

    In a creative way, this tool can be used to analyze your competitors. With a good analysis skill, a competitor’s content pattern is somewhat obvious in their sitemap and website titles. Analyze N-grams and get an overview of your competitor’s content strategy.

    Search Trends Chart Generator

    Upon entering time period, keywords, and the country, this tool fetches the data from Google Trends and creates a race chart. Then, feel free to customize your chart’s color, speed, and title. Also, you can embed the chart into your website with the HTML code.

    With Search Trends Chart Generator, get your industry statistics, visualize your chart, compare data in Google Trends, and boost your website pages with such a holistic element.

    Search Trends Table Generator

    This is another version of Search Trends Chart Generator, but in a more traditional way. This tool lets you create visualized data in a table form.

    With Search Trends Table Generator, similar to the above version, enter your preferences, customize your chart, and embed it to your website to create even more holistic content for your readers.

    Close Variant Analyzer

    Want to explore Google's keyword matching? This tool is the answer. Paste your keyword and query combination and see how they contribute to your overall performance. With results, you'll have significant insights into adding which negative keywords in your campaigns.

    With Close Variant Analyzer, learn more about Google's keyword matching, detect negative keywords and boost your overall PPC performance.

    close variant analyzer

    Display Placement IP Grouper

    Google Display Placements suffer a lot from fraud clicks, which makes it harder for marketeers to rely on display ads. But we offer a solution, simply paste your GDN placements and they're grouped by IP address. As Multiple Fraud Placements often run on the same server, you can easily get rid of many by detecting a single placement and blocking the other ones sharing the same IP address.

    With Display Placement IP Grouper, get rid of fraud GDN clicks, easily detect and block them to keep your budget and display ads in balance and efficient.

    display placement ip grouper

    Product Keyword Extractor

    Want to know how potential customers search your products on Google? This tool enables you to scrape the Google Autosuggest, also gets rid of keywords with regular expressions like "review." Simply, paste the brand names of your products and download product long tail keywords.

    With Product Keyword Extractor, connect even more with your actual and potential customers. Understand how they search your products and optimize your PPC and SEO campaigns accordingly.

    product keyword extractor

    Keyword Topic Builder

    Finding the right keywords for title and headings are extremely crucial in SEO. PPC also relies highly on right keywords and search intent. With this tool, scrape the Autocomplete from Google, Bing, and YouTube.

    With Keyword Topic Builder, easily find right keywords for your SEO and PPC projects by scraping long tail keywords from Google.

    keyword topic builder

    Sitemap Content Analyzer

    Good SEO performance is critical to website reliability and search engine authority. The higher SEO performance increases our website's chance to appear on the first page. A sitemap content analyzer can help you improve your website's ranking by identifying problems.

    With Sitemap Content Analyzer, you can check a website's sitemap to detect missing keywords, find better SEO content strategies and compare website content.

    Sitemap Content Analyzer

    Find content gaps in your website

    You can use this tool to find content gaps by analyzing your competitor's sitemap. Depending on the data you have, you can create new content ideas and strengthen your published ones.

    Analyze SEO content strategies

    N-gram analysis indicate the number of times a specific keyword appears on a page. With this way, you can have an idea of the most important keyword topics.

    HTTP Status Code Checker

    The HTTP status code is an important part of your website's infrastructure. Regular monitoring of your website's HTTP status code can help you avoid major problems.

    With HTTP Status Code Checker, you can get detailed information about redirects and timing of your website requests.

    HTTP Status Code Checker

    The importance of HTTP status codes for SEO

    It's important to use the 301 redirect status code when you change the URL of a page. This ensures that search engines can track the new page and transfer all backlinks to the new URL. By prioritizing HTTP status codes, you can keep your website running smoothly and improve its visibility in search engines.

    Check multiple URLs with Python script

    Our Python script enables you to quickly check status codes for multiple URLs in just a few hours, making it faster. It's also customizable to add more operations. Improve the performance of your website with our efficient Python script.

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