Extract product keywords from Google Autosuggest
Paste your product brands and get matching searches
Enter up to 100 of your product keywords
Get new long-tail keywords for your products and use them for SEO and PPC campaigns
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Add up to 50 brand names of your products. Based on that input, we’re searching within the autocomplete suggestions for relevant niche product keywords.
In the output file, you’ll find one column with your provided brand names. Also, this new column contains the product keywords that are most relevant for the given brand.
Google Autosuggest is a great free source for extracting relevant keywords. We’re using this source for the product keyword extractor. The magic happens in the way we’re making the requests: We’re sending the provided brand names together with – “review” to the autocomplete service to narrow down the suggestions to product-related keywords. For every provided brand name, we’re looping from “a” to “z” and “0” to “9” to fetch all available suggestions.
If you’re interested in how to scrape the Google Autosuggest with Python, please have a look here.
You won’t notice any words like “review” in the keyword suggestions. The reason is that we’re already cleaning the results by deleting those elements. You’ll get the brand input in the first column and the isolated search term for a specific product. However, in some cases, the second column won’t be unique on a global level. Besides, you should concentrate it with the brand from the first column.
The keyword should directly point to a product and should be as short as possible to catch most variations of that keyword niche. In some cases, the keywords can point to different products in theory. However, users mainly use keywords to search for the exact product. Those cases are also good long-tail keywords.
Adding the brand names of your products as phrases or broad keywords to your PPC campaign is easy. For that reason, you’ll face high competition because many keywords are involved in these auctions. If you find product keywords that don’t contain any brand identifier, you tend to find a low competition niche.
If it’s easy to derive keywords directly from your feed master data, probably everybody can do that. The competition will be high again. Luckily, the user searches differently than they’re listed in a product catalog – which gives some good keywords that will be difficult to copy.