How to write a good content from scratch

What makes an article stand out? How to add value to your readers and make sure your content is unique and relevant.

First and foremost, with a good outline and good research, you can create top-notch content from scratch. You just need to know where to start. Otherwise, you’ll waste hours or even days fall into trying to wrap your head around everything. As a matter of fact, getting all the content in with too much data is a challenge. So it’s understandable if you make a mistake in this respect since we are all human beings.

For example, you research keywords in search engines and then manually check their importance, relevance, etc. After that, you also want to analyze your competitors. This manual process takes a lot of time, and you might also miss some important points.

To help you create good content, today we’re going to introduce you to a handy tool which can help you to create good content or optimize your existing articles, improve your ranking and get more visitors.

On this post

    Create an effective structure for your next content

    There are several steps in creating an article. Sure, you can personalize it, but if you follow the steps below :

    • Do your research: Read relevant articles, find effective keywords, and take notes.
    • Write your first draft: Create a well-researched outline and write continuously in your mind.
    • Edit your draft: Take a break and then revise your article. If necessary, do more research. Then revise it again.
    • Publish and promote it.

    Researching and creating an outline can decide the fate of your text. Analyzing your competitors will give you clues about what to include in your article and what’s unnecessary. In addition, effective keyword research reveals the search intent of your target audience. With this information, you can easily create a memorable outline.

    Let’s do a little brainstorming here. How many days do you need to write a good article? Two weeks, a few days, maybe months? Or maybe you only have a few days to research and write. We all know that writing good content takes patience and hard work. That’s why you can get help with the Content Brief.

    How to write good content from scratch with Content Brief

    Let’s say we want to write an article about the challenges of being a digital nomad. To do that, you can follow the following steps accordingly:

    • Go to the Content Brief tool and log in with your Google account.
    How to write a good content from scratch with Content Brief
    • Type your search term and select your target country and language. Click on “Show Results”. Depending on the amount of data, you’ll get your results in a few minutes.
    How to write a good content from scratch with Content Brief
    • Importance is the essential metric. You can consider using keywords in your text that have high importance. Let’s look at the keyword “digital nomad.” It’s not used as a question and in answer on Google. But it’s used as a suggestion. However, the headline and text are important to us. If you click on the eye sign, you can see how your competitors have used the “digital nomad” in their text. There you’ll find all the examples for each metric (if “yes”).

      Based on this information, you can choose subheadings. Also, the text of the example can give you an idea of what to write about it. “Insurance for digital nomads” is a good subheading for the challenges of digital nomad life. You should definitely include it in your article. You can also add “useful equipment for digital nomads” because it can be hard to find cheap and quality gear for freelancers who want to save money on travel.
    How to write a good content from scratch with Content Brief
    • Then, assume that you want to see domains for related keywords. If you click on the domains, you can see articles from competitors where they use that search term. You can also see what subheadings you should use in your article. If you combine all the important details into a single article, you’ve created valuable content for readers. Google loves this kind of holistic articles.
    How to write a good content from scratch with Content Brief

    How to optimize an existing article with Content Brief

    It’s not easy to rank higher in competitive search results. When articles don’t perform as expected, it can be frustrating. If you want to be successful with your content, you’ve to remember that your work isn’t done after you publish an article. With the Content Brief tool, you can analyze your existing article to improve it. With our time-saving tool, you can rank better on Google than any other content out there.

    How to optimize an existing article with Content Brief

    Key takeaways

    ???? A good article should be focused, concise, and convey a clear message to the reader.

    ???? Make sure you’ve a unique angle on a topic that interests your target audience. Offer something of value that your readers won’t find anywhere else.

    ???? The Content Brief tool will save you time and won’t leave out any important details, so you can easily stand out from your competitors with a well-written article.

    Want to try the Content Brief tool?

    PEMAVOR gives unique service by creating custom tools and scripts for any industry. For this reason, if you want to try the Content Brief tool, contact us.

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