PPC Posts You May Have Missed This Month, January 2024

Missed the latest PPC trends? Catch up with January’s top picks.

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    How to optimize paid ads for ecommerce with long sales cycle — Blue Ox Digital

    paid search performance

    Does it matter to track micro-conversions in e-commerce?

    Optimizing paid ads for e-commerce with long sales cycles involves using micro-conversions. These are actions that potential customers take on the site, like asking for a quote, which indicate interest but aren’t actual purchases. By tracking these micro-conversions using tools like Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4, businesses can better understand customer behavior and optimize their ads. Consider the impact of these tiny conversions on eventual sales when valuing them. The process involves looking at data to find the conversion rate and average order value for customers who do these things. This helps in more accurate ad optimization toward Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

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    Why your Google Analytics 4 data doesn’t match up — Inflow

    Google Analytics 4 Review - What's new and how to use it for your business

    The data from Google Analytics 4 is different from other sources. Why?

    Google Analytics 4 (GA4) often shows different data than other sources. This happens because GA4 has changed how it defines metrics and channels, how to protect data, how ad blockers and private browsing affect ads, bots and spam, missing campaign details, and users using multiple devices. Each platform measures data differently, so it’s normal to see these discrepancies. It’s recommended to use data from various sources and comprehensive dashboards for a complete performance view.

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    A non-scientific look on if it competes and what it means — Search Engine Journal

    A non-scientific look on if it competes and what it means
    Source: SEJ

    The effectiveness and impact of Google’s Performance Max surpasses that of conventional search ads, thereby transforming the brand search campaigns.

    Performance Max (PMax) and traditional search advertising differ in their impact on brand search campaigns. PMax can affect click-through rates, cost per click, and conversion rates, sometimes competing with brand search for clicks. However, it can also enhance overall performance when used with traditional search ads. The relationship between PMax and search advertising is complex, and further testing is suggested to gain a more in-depth understanding.

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    7 AI marketing trends for 2024 — WordStream

    AI-generated content vs plagiarism: where do we draw the line?

    As AI transitions from a niche interest to a pop culture phenomenon, its impact on marketing is profound.

    In 2024, artificial intelligence will transform marketing in numerous ways, including the creation of content, investigation, and more. AI technologies are growing and changing quickly, so their use in marketing will continue to change and offer new ways for marketers to connect with their audiences. This trend reflects a significant shift in marketing strategies as AI becomes more integral to the field.

    • Further refinement of ad targeting
    • Improved AI marketing automation
    • More capable chatbots
    • More use of predictive analytics
    • Improved research and decision-making
    • Continued adoption of voice-based shopping
    • More use of multimodal AI

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    How to forecast PPC costs and revenue — Practical Ecommerce

    How to Forecast PPC Costs and Revenue
    Google’s “Forecast” uses historical search data, bid competition, traffic, and ad interactions. Source: Practical Ecommerce

    Learn how to forecast PPC cost and revenue while skillfully balancing your goals with strategic planning.

    To figure out how much PPC will cost and make, you need to look at what happened before and use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to figure out how many searches there will be and how much it will cost. Considering factors like CPC increases is crucial when crafting both conservative and aggressive forecasts. The process helps set realistic goals and plan effectively, even though it’s not an exact science.

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    Google has started phasing out third-party cookies — Search Engine Land

    3rd Party tracking cookies ending

    Google Chrome has started phasing out third-party cookies, which may significantly impact digital marketing and targeted advertising.

    A new feature called Tracking Protection stops these cookies from being sent to some people using Chrome. This change is part of Google’s broader Privacy Sandbox initiative, aimed at improving user privacy while addressing competition concerns. Marketers who use third-party cookies for targeted ads need to change their plans before the second half of 2024.

    Read on Search Engine Land

    How to use Conversion Value Rules in Google Ads — WordStream

    How to use Conversion Value Rules in Google Ads — WordStream
    Source: WordStream

    Overcome conversion tracking obstacles with Conversion Value Rules.

    Conversion Value Rules in Google Ads help adjust conversion values based on audience, location, and device. This tool is essential for ecommerce and lead generation, allowing for more accurate tracking of conversion values and better campaign optimization. These rules involve specific steps, but they have limitations, like not being able to use multiple rules for one conversion action. Shortly, understanding and using these rules can significantly improve the effectiveness of Google Ads campaigns.

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    How advertisers can stay ahead in 2024 — Search Engine Land

    The PPC panic list: How to troubleshoot a performance dip
    The PPC panic list: How to troubleshoot a performance dip

    In 2024, PPC advertising faces significant shifts.

    They need to adapt to privacy changes, especially with third-party cookies becoming obsolete. They should focus on broad match in paid search, create Performance Max campaigns, and invest in Demand Gen campaigns. Using artificial intelligence to generate creative content and coordinating paid and organic strategies is also recommended to keep up with the evolution of search outcomes.

    Read on Search Engine Land

    Microsoft AI takes retail shopping to the next level — Search Engine Journal

    How to win with PPC in a dataless world

    Microsoft has introduced new AI tools to revolutionize retail shopping.

    These tools, which are a component of the Microsoft Cloud for Retail platform, utilize advanced AI techniques such as GPT-4 for personalization, with the aim of generating experiences that resemble those of having a personal shopper. They provide customized product recommendations and offers to enhance customer relationships and sales. Additionally, Microsoft is developing tools to help retail workers access information quickly using conversational language.

    • Microsoft Fabric helps solve the problem of inconsistent retail data by giving a standard way to store data and tools to analyze it better.
    • Microsoft’s Copilot AI is being integrated into marketing analytics platforms for campaign assistance.

    This technological advancement is set to improve shopping experiences, make retail jobs easier, and offer valuable data insights for business decisions.

    Read on Search Engine Journal

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