PPC Posts You May Have Missed This Month, October 2022

Whether you’re a new or professional PPC marketeer, this list should help you keep up with the latest posts. Here are the latest PPC news you should read.

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    What Is SEM (Search Engine Marketing)? — by Semrush

    Geo-based personalization
    An example of paid advertisement on Google.

    The goal of SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is to make websites more visible online and on SERP (Search Engine Results pages).

    SEM is a digital marketing strategy used to increase the visibility of your website in search results. This can include both paid and organic (SEO) efforts. Many webmasters mistakenly believe that SEO is old-fashioned and that paid search is the only way to get your website visible online and in the SERPs. While this may have been true at one point in time, SEO isn’t dead. On the contrary, there are many ways to improve your website’s visibility online and in SERPs without spending any money. Actually, the best solution is to effectively incorporate both into your strategy.

    • Set up Google Ads account and campaign structure
    • Choose the right keywords
    • Add negative keywords and remove duplicate keywords
    • Write effective ad copy
    • Analyze the ads of the competition

    Read on Semrush

    How can PPC help inform a powerful link-building strategy by PPC Hero

    How to claim a refund on Google Ads for invalid clicks by PPC Hero

    Effective link building can double the impact of SEO campaigns.

    How can insights from your PPC campaigns help make your link building strategy more effective? “Digital PR”, “Contributed Content / Guest Posts” and “Reclaiming Unlinked Brand Mentions, Broken and Lost Links” are three important link building techniques to get organic backlinks in 2022.

    • Use PPC data to identify your strongest landing pages
    • Use PPC data as a starting point for content repurposing
    • Look for spikes in demand to create topical content

    Read on PPC Hero

    How to migrate from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics (GA4) by MarinOne Blog

    Google Analytics 4 Review – What's new and how to use it for your business

    Make GA4 a key component of your IT stack now to be ready early and make your transition as smooth as possible.

    The data algorithm and structure in the new version are different. Everything is now focused on users and events. The event-based methodology makes GA4 more flexible and improves user behavior prediction. Candance Boren not only compares Google Analytics 4 with the previous version, but also has some tips on how you can improve the platform’s capabilities.

    Read on MarinOne Blog

    11 steps to setting up a successful GA4 property by Search Engine Land

    Google Analytics 4 Review – What's new and how to use it for your business

    Haven’t you installed the GA4 property yet? If this transition process seems frustrating to you, you can use Nicole Farley’s roadmap. Complete your process as quickly as possible by following these 11 steps.

    Universal Analytics will be discontinued in 2023 and replaced by Google Analytics 4. I want to remind you that this isn’t an update, but an entirely new Analytics product. It’s a new interface to begin with. If you switch to GA4 right away, you can get used to it. Nobody wants to fall behind their competitors.

    • Account structure
    • Setup assistant
    • Analytics tag
    • Link to Google Ads
    • Custom Events
    • Goals & conversions
    • Bidding
    • Audiences
    • Ecommerce
    • Users
    • Reports & analysis

    Read on Search Engine Land

    How to write exceptional PPC Ads by WordStream

    Geo-based personalization

    When you write effective ad content, you stand out from other paid search campaigns. So what’s the secret to good ad copy?

    Aside from knowing the best formulas for writing ad copy, you also need to keep a close eye on your competitors. Every little detail your competitors overlook will set you apart from them. Here are 10 tips from Krister McCornick.

    • Think feature – benefit – feeling/outcome.
    • Stand out from other ads with a differentiator.
    • Include highly specific CTAs in your headlines.
    • Don’t be afraid to get boldly competitive.
    • Show personality with conversational tone and humor.
    • Use display paths to include your keyword, CTA, and more.
    • Reinforce and reiterate keywords, but don’t be redundant.
    • Try seasonal modifiers to add novelty and urgency.
    • Address objections with “free,” “easy,” and “worth it.”
    • Use relationships to evoke emotion.

    Read on WordStream

    Click bots and fake traffic cost online advertisers $35 billion by Search Engine Journal

    Ad fraud is still a massive concern amongst advertisers in 2022

    While click bots and scams are still very common, Google still seems slow to fight them off.

    In pay-per-click advertising, PPC fraud dominates. If these clicks aren’t detected as fraudulent, the advertiser’s advertising budget is wasted. It also falsely increases conversion rates. Google has the ability to detect these fake clicks. You can block some of these bots using the autofilter in Google Analytics, with the command to “exclude all hits from known bots and spiders.” However, the real question is why Google doesn’t block click bots by default? While it’s impossible to completely protect your ad campaigns from bots, there are a few simple measures you can take to reduce your risk. You can also check out our display fraud detection guide.

    Read on Search Engine Journal

    How to lower average cost-per-click by Search Engine Journal

    The ultimate guide to paid marketing for B2B by PPC Hero
    Paid media campaign example on Google.

    Competition can be the main reason for your cost-per-click (CPC). The lower your budget, the more clicks you can pack into your budget.

    With CPC, you pay when your ads are clicked. This means that every time an ad is placed, an internal auction gets initiated in the system. The higher the quality score and the higher the bid, the more likely it’s that the ad will be shown to the target audience. Here, you’re only charged if users click on the ad. This way, companies can control their advertising budgets and evaluate the response to advertising campaigns. If you want to check your bids manually, you lose the 60+ signals that go into automatic bidding. Instead, you can select different types of keywords. If you bid for the same terms in multiple campaigns or ad groups, the average CPC will increase.

    Read on Search Engine Journal

    Is a future with no keyword match types in sight? — by WordStream

    Is a future with no keyword match types in sight? — by WordStream

    A new Google Ads beta feature that enables broad keywords and disables keyword match types at the campaign level is already available to some advertisers.

    If you select this feature, you can use broad match keywords throughout your campaign. If you disable it, you can still use the keyword match types. What does this mean for Google Ads keyword match types? It’s just a selection actually. In addition, match types won’t be removed. Since this is a limited beta feature, only very few accounts can make use of it.

    Read on WordStream

    8 tips for increasing the conversion rate of your digital ads by MarinOne

    How to increase conversion rates
    Picking right search intent of your target audience is important to increase CTR

    To reach a wider audience and increase your sales, it’s necessary to increase your conversion rate. So how can you achieve that?

    If your conversion rate is good, it shows that your advertising is successful. If it’s low, it can mean that you’re wasting your advertising budget. Then it’s time to create a new plan. If you don’t know exactly what to do, the following suggestions can serve as a roadmap.

    • Identify your conversion goals
    • Make sure your landing page text is clear and concise
    • Create a sense of urgency to get customers to take action
    • Add an interactive element such as an online chat window or live demo to increase interaction opportunities
    • Offer upgrades to content that’s relevant to customers who’ve already converted
    • Use social proof, such as testimonials from other satisfied customers
    • Create a FAQ page, so customers can find answers quickly and easily
    • Surround buttons with lots of negative space

    Read on MarinOne

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