Top 5 IP address enrichment services for B2B companies

Even if you have a product of the highest quality, if you don’t market it properly, you’ll have difficulty carrying the world before you. That’s why, you should research your market thoroughly and bridge the gap between your target audience and your product.

You can only gain the attention of your target audience if you analyze them properly. What motivates them? How can you answer their questions? Every piece of information you learn about them will make the bridge between you stronger.

Users’ IP addresses help us get to know them better. However, the IP data you collect may not contain the information you need. There’s no reason to give up. Did you know that you can enrich IPs at this point by using services?

On this post
    Top 5 IP address enrichment services for B2B companies

    What’s IP enrichment in B2B marketing?

    IP enrichment is the process of matching useful company-related and demographic data with website users’ IP addresses. The purpose of it is to gain valuable insights into IP addresses. What then? With this data, you can improve the website experience of users. Otherwise, how can you develop more effective strategies? Besides, your sales and marketing department can spend less time on data and more time developing successful campaigns. 

    IP enrichment can have many benefits for you:

    • Improving lead scoring
    • Dealing with security threats
    • Enriching user analytics
    • Improving the customer experience
    • Creating new opportunities

    How can you use IP addresses for personalization?

    If you don’t know who your target audience is, it’s impossible to write copy that will speak to them. Let’s say you have figured out who your target audience is. What problems do they want to solve? Then, how about understanding the difference between different audiences? Every time you learn something new about them, you’re one step closer to understanding them and solving their problems. By enriching your data, you can predict possible outcomes and improve results. Otherwise, inaccurate and incomplete data can cause great harm to businesses, such as wasting money. 

    Users who visit your website leave behind an IP. This can tell us a lot about the users who visit the site, where they come from, and what they do. That’s all great, but what do we do if the IPs are anonymous? IP address enrichment services. When you match the IP list with a tool’s database, you get additional data about the IP addresses you have given. This will give you more information about each IP address in your list. Now you have more information to make better personalizations for your potential B2B customers. Therefore, you can customize your ad campaigns, chatbots, emails, website, and more.

    Top 5 IP address enrichment services

    How can you influence website users if you don’t know anything about them? That’s why it can be vital to get even the most basic information. There are many methods to gather information. For example, you can use these tools to enrich your IP information. However, when choosing a tool, you should consider a few things:

    • Is the data up to date?
    • Do they value privacy compliance?
    • Do they pay attention to the quality of the data?


    Every time a user performs an action on a website (like filling out a form or sending an email), they leave an IP trace. Here, ZoomInfo makes connections between these IPs and the domain. Users usually perform these actions from their offices. That is, most of their IP data comes from corporate networks. This means they have a company/account-centric approach. Every activity feeds into our IP data. The tool also allows you to integrate your data with HubStop CRM. Unfortunately, we can’t see the pricing on the website. On the other hand, you can get a free trial when you book a call.


    Clearbit provides a valuable data enrichment solution for both sales and marketing departments. It allows you to integrate with HubStop, Pardot, Salesforce, Segment, and more. By scoring your leads, you can accelerate the buyer’s journey. Plus, Clearbit offers a free weekly visitor report tool, accessible at here. Unfortunately, there is no free trial. Plus, the price is a bit high, but it’s a tool with a high hit rate compared to its competitors.


    ​IPinfo allows you to access a variety of data about an IP, such as IP to geolocation, ASN, VPN detection, IP ranges, hosted domain data, IP to company, and more. It’s easy to use when compared to other tools. You won’t even have a hard time integrating the API. Aside from bulk uploads, you can also perform custom searches for a specific IP address or ASN. It also allows integrations that automatically trigger actionable insights. Another good feature is that you only pay for the information you need. You can create filters to easily see the data you want. The fact that the support is helpful and the reliability of the data are the most common comments from many users. This is a good plus for them. It also offers free access for a limited number of queries per day. You can also upgrade later on if you want. Prices start at $99 per month.


    Besides local or global data, this service also offers various tools that can be useful for your business. Well, Infobel has a database of 245 million records, which includes nearly 30 million websites and IP addresses. In addition to B2B customer data, the company also provides B2C data to users. We can’t find specific pricing information on the company’s website. However, you can contact them directly for pricing options.


    With the API response time of 200ms, it shows the difference in speed. LeadFeeder’s database consists of both static and dynamic IP addresses. The B2B company database has been providing high-quality data since 2012. It has more than 60,000 B2B companies and uses machine learning for data quality and accuracy. Therefore, the API provides many details that you can use to enrich your IP addresses. The great thing is that you only pay when you match. Plus, it is compliant with GDPR and other data privacy laws. 

    Turn anonymous visitors into leads with IP enrichment. 

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