Top 10 GA4 sources which give beneficial tips for beginners

These days, most companies are switching from UA (Universal Analytics) to GA4 (Google Analytics 4) because we all know that Google will finally discontinue UA on July 11, 2023. The new version, GA4, will take its place. If this seems complicated to you, it’s understandable. However, you’ve enough time to understand it better and complete the transferring process. 

Each Analytics version provides us valuable data about our website statistics and audiences. With this meaningful data, we can develop better strategies and campaigns to increase conversions. That’s why, you should also be familiar with GA4 to stand out from your competitors. It’s totally different from UA and it would be wrong to generalize it as an updated version of UA. GA4 comes with a different face. There are many differences between GA4 and UA.

In this post, we want to give you the best resources to start your GA4 efforts without wasting time.

On this post

    Analytics in Minutes

    Video content can make it easier for you to understand GA4. The Analytics in Minutes has a playlist of videos that show you how to use GA4. Plus, all the videos are under 3 minutes long. I recommend you watch all 7 videos in the playlist.

    SEO Setups

    This guide by Rory Piecuch will help you understand the most important things about GA4. If the whole thing about GA4 is too complicated for you, this article is easy to read. You’ll learn all about GA4 and how it can help you improve your business.

    Krista Seiden, KS Digital

    Top 10 GA4 sources which give beneficial tips for beginners

    Articles aren’t magic wands. Of course, it takes time to absorb GA4. In this process, you can also follow experts on this subject. I’m sure that the important details and tips they share on their social media profiles will be useful in your learning and specialization process. Therefore, you can follow Krista Seiden, the founder of KS Digital, to get practical tips and the latest news about GA4. She was the person in charge of Google Analytics training. She continues her expertise in this field with the company KS Digital. You can learn a lot about to improve your digital marketing and analytics performance. Start reading this article for further information. Finally, you can check out “GA4 Quick Tips” on her YouTube channel.

    Google Analytics 4 Skillshop

    In the Google Skillshop, you’ll learn how to install GA4 and its basic functions. You also have the opportunity to explore the Google Analytics demo account. You can use the “Discover the next generation of Google Analytics” module for free. In addition, find more content by typing Google Analytics 4 or GA4 in the search box.

    Simo Ahava, Simmer

    Simo Ahava, the partner at 8-bit-sheep and co-founder of Simmer, shares valuable articles on many topics in his blog. If you want to take your GA4 knowledge to the next level, a look at Ahava’s blog is just what you need. In this article, for example, he talks about content analysis with GA4. You’ll also find a guide to implementing events in GA4 as well as insightful information on how to create custom event parameters.

    Analytics Mania

    Top 10 GA4 sources which give beneficial tips for beginners

    You can also find many tutorials about Google Analytics on the Analytics Mania channel. If you’re having trouble transferring your property, the video “How to upgrade to Google Analytics 4” will make the process easier for you. So, this tutorial will show you how to transfer your UA property to GA4.

    Search Engine Land

    Here’s an article from Search Engine Land that tells you in 11 steps how to easily set up your GA4 property. Once you read it and try it out, you’ll see how easy the process is. As you expand your knowledge of GA4, you’ll also want to transfer your property. Then you’ll want to explore the details further.

    Search Engine Journal

    Companies are taking more serious steps to transfer their analytics properties. The first step to mastering GA4 begins, of course, with reading articles on the Internet. Some articles can be confusing. Especially if you don’t know the tool yet, some technical content can also challenge you. It’s best to take it one step at a time. In this article from SEJ, you’ll learn what’s new in GA4 about conversions, events, user engagement, and website traffic. It’s a great article to get you started.

    Google Analytics documents

    Top 10 GA4 sources which give beneficial tips for beginners

    If you’re tech-savvy, you can check out the Google Analytics documents. This resource compares UA to GA4 and talks about innovations. It covers everything from moving your property to segments. Even if you don’t know GA4 yet, after reading about it in other sources and understanding it, you should also read Google’s own document.


    This article from PEMAVOR is about what GA4 is and how it can benefit our companies. You can dive into the world of the new version by reading our comprehensive article. It also answers the most frequently asked questions about this new generation of analytics. When a company takes advantage of GA4, it can better understand its customers and ultimately improve its operations.

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