PPC Posts You May Have Missed This Week, January 26, 2022

We’ve been keeping up with the latest news in PPC, and this week, we’re bringing you the latest PPC news and tips from around the web!

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    How automated Ad Bidding can help you reach your campaign goals by Unbounce

    Tips to help your B2B Google Ads campaigns shine

    Automatic ad bidding is a bid strategy that automatically sets bids for your ads based on the likelihood that your ad will lead to a conversion.

    It takes the tedious part of bid adjustment off your hands and helps you achieve your performance goals. As a side note, Automated Ad Bidding and Smart Bidding are two different things. Smart Bidding is a subset of automated bidding strategies in Google Ads that use machine learning to maximize conversions. The benefits of ad bidding include increasing brand awareness, driving traffic, and optimizing conversion rates. Maximizing clicks, targeting impression share, targeting CPA (Cost Per Action/Acquisiton), and targeting ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) are Smart Bidding strategies for success. In addition, Automated Ad Bidding or Smart Bidding are regarded as a complementary instrument rather than a replacement for the marketing methods but complement them. Another essential part of your campaign is the landing pages, which can make ensure or break the effectiveness of your automated ad bidding.

    Read on Unbounce

    Tips to help your B2B Google Ads campaigns shine by Search Engine Journal

    Tips to help your B2B Google Ads campaigns shine

    Any marketer can face challenges when creating and optimizing their B2B Google Ads campaigns.

    By following a few tips, you can drive more traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and boost conversions.

    • Find keywords that aren’t expensive but still have sufficient search volume. Let keyword match types and keyword research be your booster.
    • Learn about the competition in your industry.
    • Find negative keywords that are crucial for B2B campaigns.
    • Test and monitor the results at all times.
    • Diversify your media comprehensiveness and match your target audiences.

    Read on Search Engine Journal

    Promote your business through PPC with effective strategies by Hero Blog

    RSA optimization: Learn to create and test RSAs in Google

    PPC has taken up 80 percent of advertising spending in the last 20 years. PPC advertising is one of the fastest and smartest ways to reach your target audience. You can get positive results from your PPC campaigns with the right tactics.

    • Choose the right platforms to advertise on
    • Include social media in your PPC advertising campaign
    • Launch a remarketing campaign
    • Design mobile-friendly landing pages
    • Set realistic advertising budgets
    • Make your ad copy click-worthy
    • Use responsive search and display ads
    • Review keyword match types
    • Improve the structure of PPC ad campaigns

    Read on Hero Blog

    Google Ads’ updated Experiments page sheds campaign drafts and adds experiment sync by Search Engine Land

    Google Ads’ updated Experiments page sheds campaign drafts and adds experiment sync

    Google announced on Wednesday that Google Ads has updated its Experiments page.

    As a result, from now on, advertisers can save time by eliminating the need to create campaign drafts owing to the streamlined Experiments workflow. You can easily monitor the “Experiments” page’s performance and change anything you want. It’s also possible to automatically sync experiments with the new experiment sync feature, which also updates the trial with any changes made to the base campaign.

    Read on Search Engine Land

    The Google Ads survival guide for small businesses by WordStream

    The Google Ads survival guide for small businesses

    Many small businesses face similar difficulties when it comes to Google Ads. It can be challenging to compete on Google Ads with small budgets, but you can stay one step ahead of your competitors if you apply the proper steps.

    Using free methods like blogging and optimizing your Google Business profile can get you on the first page of Google. Nevertheless, don’t forget to check out the new budget report in the Google Ads interface to keep track of your Google Ads budget. This way, you can fix any budget mistakes. Large budgets aren’t always necessary to achieve effective results in Google Ads. With the right strategy, you can make a difference for your business.

    • Compete with a small budget
    • Build local awareness
    • Drive leads
    • Maximize ROI (Return On Investment)
    • Achieve sustainable growth

    Read on WordStream

    Tips for optimizing a localized PPC account by PPC Hero

    lized PPC account

    By using local keywords and geotargeting, you can localize your PPC campaigns. That is, localized PPC targets customers within a specific region. Regardless of whether you’re a global company, you can sell your product or service better to potential customers with a localized PPC campaign.

    If you optimize your campaigns, you can increase engagement and boost sales. To achieve this, you should focus on performance by geography and examine your data in detail. Furthermore, you can gain insightful data from Google Ads location reports. According to Google reports, about 30 percent of searches in a given location result in a purchase. Besides, in 2020, 93 percent of Americans used the internet to conduct business locally. Considering all these reasons, you can imagine how important it’s to localize PPC campaigns for these reasons.

    Read on PPC Hero

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