PPC Posts You May Have Missed This Week, February 9, 2022

This week, we have a couple of interesting PPC posts for you to read. We made sure that they are of great assistance to your PPC efforts.

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    Changes to BMM keywords by PPC Hero

    Changes to BMM keywords
    Source: Google

    Google Ads had eliminated the use of Broad Match Modifier (BMM) keywords in 2021. Have you given any thought on how these changes will affect your campaigns and what you can do in this regard?

    • If you’re using both the Phrase Match and BMM variants of a keyword, this won’t come in handy as an ideal method since you’ll have duplicate keywords in your accounts. Accordingly, you may end up paying extra for auctions. There is one precaution you can take to avoid this: Using Google’s “recommendations.” In addition, you might also want to check all the campaigns and finish your search when the exact BMM keyword results come up. Upon the elimination of BMM, phrase matching now includes the function of BMM, which has expanded the reach of phrase match keywords.
    • You can also add more keyword variations to your accounts. However, pay attention when browsing through the “recommendation” tab since you might also come across irrelevant keywords as well as irrelevant traffic. In addition, check the search query reports from a few months ago. If you compare all the data, you will be able to distinguish which keywords are essential and which aren’t. Learn more about keyword research.
    • Don’t forget to use negative keywords along with your phrase match keywords. Keep in mind that sometimes, comprehensive matches can also have a negative effect.

    Read on PPC Hero

    Content marketing and PPC advertising by PPC Hero

    Content marketing and PPC advertising by PPC Hero

    Every company differs by their investment styles in advertising and marketing efforts. Some focus only on social media, while others rely on multiple methods like PPC advertising and content marketing. Curious as to how your business can benefit from these two strategies?

    Content marketing is all about grabbing your audience’s attention. It can show how much you care about your customers by answering their questions and addressing their concerns. Within this framework, the first thing you should do is to create a decent content for your business. Advertising will be easier this way. Wouldn’t it be better to redirect your campaign to a landing page with an informative blog and helpful posts instead of linking to an empty website? In this way, you’ll increase your credibility in the eyes of your customers by providing quality and informative content. Plus, PPC advertising and content marketing can also help your SEO efforts. Investing in content marketing as part of search engine optimization is a helpful strategy to drive potential customers to your website.

    Read on PPC Hero

    How to win with PPC in a dataless world by Search Engine Land

    How to win with PPC in a dataless world

    Industry leaders like Google, Amazon, and Facebook are making significant changes in collecting consumer data. Many marketeers are also concerned about this data loss because they believe it’ll have a negative impact on their marketing efforts. However, experts also claim that it’s possible to succeed in PPC campaigns even with less data.

    Less data in PPC efforts doesn’t mean that there is nothing we can do to utilize it. We need to adapt to the available data. PPC analytics often focus on conversions and last clicks, which can detract from a broader view of marketing. At this point, you can use Marketing Mix Models (MMMs) to maintain your sales performance and retain your customers while determining campaign effectiveness by measuring the impact of marketing strategies. This can help marketeers expand their data pool. Besides, most marketeers don’t have realistic forecasts or models in this sense. Without accurate data, all efforts are of no use. Therefore, if you’re aiming for lower goals than conversions, you can measure the data more accurately with first-party data.

    Read on Search Engine Land

    Embrace paid search automation to maximize outcomes by Search Engine Watch

    How to build on SEO knowledge to be better in PPC

    With Google automation, it’s now easier to secure your marketing efforts.

    Google is placing more importance on automation every day. Nevertheless, marketeers are still hesitant to trust automation. The increased use of automation in marketing has allowed us to process large data sets and scale our campaigns more effectively which enables it to save some time to focus on the tasks that humans can’t fulfill.

    • Let Google do the heavy lifting and optimize your keywords, placements, bids, and budgets based on your goals.
    • If you decide to automate, it doesn’t mean that you’re leaving all the work to automation. Don’t worry, you’ll still have important work to carry out. Bear in mind that you need to improve yourself in recognizing your customers to communicate with them directly.

    Read on Search Engine Watch

    Segment your audience for successful retargeting by Search Engine Journal

    Segment your audience for successful retargeting
    Source: SEJ

    How can you persuade potential customers interested in your brand to buy?

    It’s more beneficial to focus on warm leads than cold leads. However, no matter how interested they are in your brand, the ultimate way to convince your potential customers depends on your persuasion strategies. You can segment your audience to be successful by all means. When you segment your audiences, you can easily understand which channels potential customers are coming through and whether the interaction is on-site or off-site. This way, you’ll get more insightful data, and know which customers to target as well as when and how to target them.

    • Connect with your competitors’ users.
    • Use sequential messaging and storytelling for engagement.
    • Expand your strategy by targeting life events.
    • Create audiences based on social and demographic profiles.
    • Retarget users who’ve searched on the site but hadn’t made a transaction yet.
    • Retarget your most valuable audience segments through Buyer personas.

    Read on Search Engine Journal

    Find more opportunities with recommendations by Google

    Find more opportunities with recommendations
    Source: Google

    Google Ads announced on Monday that they’re introducing auto-applied recommendations for manager accounts and more suggestions for video campaigns.

    You can improve your campaigns with suggestions. In addition, recommendations and optimization scores are now available for Discovery campaigns. Keep in mind that all recommendation types are automatically applied.

    Read on Google

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