PPC Posts You May Have Missed This Month, April 2022

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    How to make paid search work for B2B marketing by Search Engine Journal

    Changes to BMM keywords

    It’s common for B2B marketeers to have issues with high CPCs, low search volume, and unqualified leads. If you want to achieve your goals in pay per click efforts, you may want to try different optimization methods:

    • Prequalify users with ad copy
    • Layer on audiences
    • Find keywords that relate to actual problems. Read on how to do keyword research for PPC.
    • Don’t forget the landing page
    • Optimize for the right conversion actions

    Read on Search Engine Journal

    How to craft the perfect PPC marketing plan by PPC Hero

    PPC audience strategy: Targeting vs Observation by Search Engine Journal

    When you develop a marketing plan for your product or services, remember that you must have a well-structured plan in order to be successful with PPC ads. Otherwise, your time and money will be wasted.

    Since creating a winning PPC campaign can be challenging, it’s important to develop an organized strategy for your advertising efforts. You can follow these steps to build a successful PPC campaign:

    1. Analysis of the current situation
    2. SWOT analysis for PPC marketing
    3. Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals for your PPC campaign
    4. Define your PPC strategy
    5. Set a budget for your PPC campaign
    6. Set a schedule for implementation, evaluation, and adjustment.

    Read on PPC Hero

    Three tips to combine paid and organic search marketing strategy by PPC Hero

    How paid and organic work together for better performance
    You can have better performance by using organic and paid work together.

    Organic and paid search can be challenging when they work together, but they can deliver impactful results quickly. That’s why marketeers should never ignore any of these options.

    Use these three methods to combine your organic and paid search:

    • Analyze page load speed through the lens of Google Ads.
    • Review recently optimized pages that aren’t currently being used for paid search.
    • Analyze landing pages for paid search terms with broad match along with the search term report.

    Read on PPC Hero

    Google Ads optimization: Search campaign optimization list by PPC Hero

    Google Ads optimization: Search campaign optimization list

    Want to make the most of Google Ads but can’t? Maybe you need to optimize your ad campaigns.

    A roadmap and checklist will make it easy for you to catch up to or stand out from your competitors. Unfortunately, many PPC marketeers don’t have the processes in place to make their campaigns more effective. This list can help you get started in this respect:

    • Create a list of negative keywords
    • Monitor the performance of search ads
    • Adjust bidding for location
    • Use demographic targeting
    • Audience targeting
    • Bid optimization
    • Budget optimization
    • Remarketing campaigns

    Read on PPC Hero

    Five RSA quick tips as search Marketeers get ready for the shift by Skai

    Five RSA quick tips as search Marketeers get ready for the shift

    Google has already announced that it’ll make Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) the default ad format. However, are you ready for it?

    Apart from many other effective enhancements, Google has announced that marketeers can use 3-15 headlines and 2-4 description lines for Google Ads. Once you start using it, you’ll see how well RSAs work. However, many marketeers approach this ad format with a certain amount of suspicion. Nevertheless, with these five quick tips, you can maximize your performance with dynamic ads:

    • Use unique and concise headlines
    • Be strategic when pinning
    • Include high-volume keywords in your titles
    • Use Google’s ad strength tool
    • Test, test, test

    Read on Skai

    How to master Responsive Search Ad copy in 5 steps by WordStream

    How to master Responsive Search Ad copy in 5 steps

    If you want to be successful with Responsive Search Ads, it’s important to know how it works, how you should make the most out of it and how to write great copy.

    After it becomes the most important ad format, you can create 15 headlines and four descriptions that Google considers best for your ads in every search. What’s the secret to writing the best RSA copy? There’s no magic formula that will ensure your responsive ads rank well, but there are some basic guidelines to follow when creating your ads such as:

    • Creating different types of headlines
    • Creating categories in themed templates
    • Including messages and pins in your template
    • Following a similar 3-step process for descriptions
    • Starting with testing

    Read on WordStream

    How to automate Google Ads by Search Engine Journal

    How to automate Google Ads

    How to harness the power of automation in your Google Ads campaigns.

    We live in the age of automation, and Google has always stated that it will give more importance to automation day by day. Automation makes it easier for you to manage your account and track your conversions. The steps below will ensure that you make use of automation in this respect:

    1. Utilizing Google’s built-in basic automated rules
    2. Utilizing custom script features
    3. Utilizing third-party software tools for advanced automation

    Read on Search Engine Journal

    Should you use Google Ads Performance Max? — by WordStream

    Setting up Google’s Performance Max campaigns

    New questions come into mind when the Performance Max Campaigns are brought to agenda. Will automation leverage a brand’s conversion?

    The Performance Max platform is all about helping marketers execute their marketing campaigns better and faster using AI and machine learning. There is no doubt that there are pros and cons for this, and one of the main questions is when to use it.

    • When you don’t have time to optimize for every channel
    • When optimizing different campaigns for one site is a challenge
    • When you don’t have a sufficient budget

    Read on WordStream

    How conversion data improves Google Ads automation by Practical Ecommerce

    How conversion data improves Google Ads automation

    You started using Google Automations. However, have you enabled conversion tracking? Besides, are you sure you’re following the right steps while doing it?

    Why is conversion tracking important? Google displays ads to users who search for specific keywords. However, Google can only optimize performance if advertisers enable conversion tracking. Although many advertisers enable conversion tracking, they usually don’t follow the right steps while doing it unfortunately. So, here are the four steps you need to follow in this sense:

    1. Set up Enhanced Conversions.
    2. Choose the right attribution model.
    3. Use conversion values.
    4. Use campaign-specific goals.

    Read on Practical Ecommerce

    Google offers 3 strategies for adjusting to privacy first marketing by Search Engine Journal

    3rd Party tracking cookies ending

    What’ll 2023 be like for marketeers in terms of data protection?

    It’s common knowledge that marketeers’ concerns have increased after the regulation of the protection of users’ Internet activities. But are the three well-known myths about this are reportedly correct?

    • Myth 1: The elimination of cookies and website tags: Google has stated that it’ll eliminate third-party cookies, but recommends the use of the global website tag (gtag.js) or Google Tag Manager to measure and optimize marketing campaigns.
    • Myth 2: Loss of third-party data will affect accurate measurement: It’s recommended to establish B2B partnerships with relevant companies to generate first-party data.
    • Myth 3: Privacy will negatively impact business results: Loss of third-party data can also lead to missing conversions, but privacy-safe machine learning models can help generate accurate customer journey reports.

    Read on Search Engine Journal

    3 must-known tips for Responsive Search Ads by Search Engine Land

    3 must-known tips for Responsive Search Ads

    Here are three must-know tips to improve your Responsive Search Ads (RSAs).

    After June 30, RSAs will be the most important ad format in Google Ads accounts. While, all marketeers are trying to get more out of RSAs accordingly, we’ll show you three tips you must know in order to improve them:

    • Take your time to write effective ads: In RSAs, you can write 15 headlines and 4 descriptions. You should write a compelling copy, so Google can choose the best ones for your ads.
    • Pay attention to the headlines: Since users will see your first headline, it’s significant that you write an effective headline to grab their attention. Although Google will give you suggestions for headlines, you don’t have to use them.
    • Pinning tips: You can pin some headlines or descriptions so that they always appear in positions 1, 2, 3, etc. Furthermore, it’s even possible to put several pins on the same position.

    Read on Search Engine Land

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