The Rise of Python since 2004

Which Programming Language you should learn? In these days, you will find a lot of new code examples of Python solutions for marketing areas like SEO or PPC. When you are interested in becoming a data scientist, you are probably to pick Python to start with because there are so many modules out there and a lot of resources with code examples.

The need for marketing automation and being highly data driven is constantly growing — Python is a perfect fit for those tasks. For that reason, it is no surprise for me that “Learn Python” is by far the most popular search trend compared to other programming languages.

But was this always the case? Let’s deep dive into google trends search data and go back in time:

  • Back in 2004 most of the people would have picked “C” or “Java” as programming language to start with.
  • There wasn’t much love for Python at that point: 9 out of 10 people would go with PHP compared to learning Python.
  • 4 out 5 People would have learned Perl rather than Python. Perl? Right, most younger people out there probably never heard of this programming language before

If you create a chart like that for your keyword set, you can this by using our free search trends chart generator here.

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