Understanding Chrome’s third-party cookie restrictions and their impact

Understanding Chrome's third-party cookie restrictions and their impact

On January 4th, 2024, Google Chrome stopped allowing third-party cookies for 1% of its users, and it’ll be extended to all users by the end of the year. Everyone in the industry has the same question: how will the end of third-party cookies affect online advertising? These changes require a rethink of marketing strategies that […]

Google Privacy Sandbox: A safe web for everyone

Google Privacy Sandbox A safe web for everyone

The Google Privacy Sandbox encourages more private browsing because of the growing concern about online tracking. For this reason, Google has already started to phase out third-party cookies to enhance user privacy. This is a big step towards a digital world that is more private but still connected.  What is the Google Privacy Sandbox? Privacy […]

How to remove unwanted referral spam traffic in GA4

Marketeers collect, analyze and interpret data to make strategic decisions. Otherwise, it’s not a logical way to get an effective result with trial and error. However, what happens if this data is manipulated? Of course, this costs dearly. Businesses may have to face many serious consequences, from inaccurate reporting to budget losses. When monitoring your […]

PPC Posts You May Have Missed This Month, April 2024

Dive into the dynamic world of pay-per-click advertising with our curated selection of must-read PPC insights from April 2024. 7 ways to improve your Google Ads Click-Through Rates by Marin Software There are several effective strategies you can use to increase click-through rates (CTR) on Google Ads. A high click-through rate (CTR) is an important […]

Google Ads Quality Score: The factors that will improve your AdRank

Based on the discussion on LinkedIn, I thought it was time to make a summary of the components we know about Google’s Quality Score (QS). It’s a black box, but luckily, some documents are available because of the DOJ Antitrust Trial, which brings some insights. Let’s have a look! I’m referring to a document from January […]

Consent Mode V2 Implementation using GTM and Klaro

User data is undoubtedly an important resource that formulates marketing strategies for all brands. However, no matter how valuable this data is, organizations and brands must comply with international laws when collecting data. For this reason, the Consent Mode feature offered by Google for data collection enables website and application owners to process visitor data […]

PPC Posts You May Have Missed This Month, March 2024

Discover the latest trends, updates, and actionable strategies for marketers — from innovations to case studies, this guide is your shortcut to staying ahead in PPC. How Google Search Generative experience is impacting ads — Search Engine Land How Google’s Search Generative Experience is reshaping the digital advertising? A recent study sheds light on the […]

IP2Location: IP lookup with detailed geolocation

Why is IP score important for B2B?

An online bookstore can suggest books based on your local weather conditions—cozy mysteries during a snowstorm or adventurous tales on a sunny day. How does a website know exactly where you are and show spot-on offers? By magic? Digital wizardry is what we call sophisticated technologies. Having IP information unlock many valuable insights. With this […]

PPC Posts You May Have Missed This Month, February 2024

Explore the latest insights in PPC with a roundup of notable posts from February 2024. 4 advanced GPT-4 capabilities to level up your PPC efforts — Search Engine Land Which ways can increase PPC power through GPT-4? GPT-4 may boost PPC by managing keywords, creating ad texts, and aiding in audience development. However, it struggles […]

Streamlining corporate identity: How PEMAVOR achieved professionalism with Visme

When PEMAVOR began its journey, our presentations lacked polish and consistency was a problem. Preparing new ones in alignment with our corporate identity took hours. We needed a way to professionalize and stand out. That’s where Visme came in. With it, our presentations transformed and workflows simplified. No more disjointed designs. Now, we captivate our […]